

Behind the documenting.

Ever since the first time I walked into an Apple Store in 2012 I have always thought they looked great with friendly staff, cleanliness to a high standard and just an all round enjoyable place to be. Since the first experience I cannot walk past an Apple Store without going in, even if I have visited there before.

As the years have past and the number of Apple Stores I have visited has increased, I decided to take this hobby to the next level by planning my holidays around Apple Stores. This way I get to experience the cultures and sites of different towns, cities and counties plus visit the Apple Stores in the area.

I have tried to document my visits to the different stores by either checking in through social media or by taking a photo of the outside of the store. But this was not always easy and never really showed off the great look of the stores, especially if there were a lot of people around.

In 2014 Apple released their Apple Store App. Over the years Apple have refined the app, making it easier for users to shop, learn more about products, locate stores around the world and recently learn more about the Today at Apple sessions.

On the 1st June 2018 I had a brain wave for checking in to future stores I will visit. I realised that I could use this app to help me document my arrival in each Apple Store, as it shows the travel distance to the store from my current location, using the iPhone’s maps. This not only provides proof that I actually went to the Apple Store, but the app also gives a professional photograph which was taken at a quieter time.

During the creation of this website, I used the information from the photos I had on my iPhone to help me pinpoint the date I visited the Apple Store. The pictures I have used on my website are screenshots I have taken from the Apple Store App of all the stores I have visited, so far, around the world.

The Apple Stores on this website which I visited before 1st June 2018 show the distance between here in the UK and the actual store I was in. The stores I visited after that date show a more accurate distance which I recorded with a screenshot whilst in the store. Although, due to GPS or WiFi accuracy, there are different distances. This range can be from 0 yards up to 100 yards, but I am actually standing inside the store at the time.

If I manage to return to an Apple Store I visited prior to 1st June 2018, I will take an updated screenshot of the location distance. Also, if Apple redesigns a store or moves its location, I will try and return to view and record what has changed. I have already done this with some of the UK stores, indicated by an ‘Original’ date and a ‘Redesign’ date.

Thank you for taking time to read this and also for your support and interest in my journey.