Store Count: 238 across 7 Countries



Recent Visit

28th Apr 2024


my name is
Gav or

Over the past decade I have taken on a hobby that I find really interesting and it takes me all around the world.

I have been a big supporter of Apple for many years, in fact, since I bought my first iPod back in 2004, I have been a big geek for Apple products. In 2008 I got my next iPod and then in 2010 I was blown away by my boss’s iPhone 3GS that I decided I should have my own. I’ve used iPhones ever since.

I love Apple’s passion and innovation towards retail and their forward vision for their customer’s needs. They keep it simple with a friendly approach and offer a hands-on environment.

Since Steve Jobs had the vision back in 2001 to change retail, by opening the first Apple Store, these stores have grown around the world to over 500 individual stores. Not only do they have standard mall stores, which have great vibes. But Apple have also used old listed buildings for their stores, after renovating them back to their original glory.

Over the years, when visiting different towns and cities, I have gone into Apple Stores to see what is new. This became such a habit that in 2015 I decided to learn more about the different Apple Stores and visit as many possible, whilst seeing different places along the way.

When people hear that I want to visit all the Apple Stores around the world they always ask me why, and then either tell me there is more to life or are super excited for me.

Whatever your thoughts are, here are my reasons for my hobby:

A) It’s an unusual hobby.
B) Most Apple Stores are located in interesting places either in a cool shopping mall, a fun town, or in a stunning building.
C) Some of the journeys to get to different Apple Stores can be really interesting. Especially when it is in a town I wouldn’t normally visit.
D) Life IS too short … so I am enjoying everything and every moment I can!

Select a country’s flag at the bottom of the page, or choose a country from the triple line menu to see which ones I’ve visited so far.

Lastly, check out the “About” section for more details.